Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week of December 4-8, 2017

Image result for be respectful quotes

Mighty Falcons,

     It is almost the end of the first semester and I know you will continue to work hard. 
Remember you will be taking your math district benchmark on Monday, December 11 and Reading on Tuesday, December 12. Make sure you have gone over all your notes, activities, tests, topics 1-8 on Agilemind, etc. I know not all test material has been covered but make sure you try your very best and read carefully so that you do well. 

This week we will begin working with expressions and variables, we will also be having mini-reviews on Thursday and Friday for Monday's District Benchmark. 

Please watch the following video and write down 5 important facts you have learned from the video. 


Progress Report Card Night at Peter Piper on December 6, from 4 to 6 pm.

Student Council Coat Drive this week. Please bring in any lightly used coats for those in need.

Student Council Toy Drive Next week.

Benchmark /Six Weeks Tests Next Week.

Attendance Counts! 

Be Awesome!

Do Good!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week of November 27-December 1, 2017

Image result for happy thanksgiving

Dear Falcons,

          I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break filled with many special memories.

           This week in math class we will go over the classification of numbers and begin working with rational numbers on the coordinate plane. District Benchmark #1 is around the corner so we must ensure to be prepared with all taught lesson material and strategies.

          Watch the following videos to get a better understanding of classifying rational numbers and the coordinate plane.

Prepare for your reading and math District Benchmark #1.
Try your best to be at school everyday.
Do good. 
When in doubt, ask.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Week of November 6-10,2017

Image result for math quotes for students

Mighty Falcons,

  Welcome to the last week of the 2nd six weeks! You will be taking your math 2nd six weeks test this Tuesday, remember to complete your review and go over Agilemind slides and notes. I know you will do great if you work carefully and believe in yourselves at all times!

        The test will consist of topic 4-6 from Agilemind which includes fractions, decimals, percents, dividing and multiplying positive rational numbers, and converting measurements. All late assignments should have already been turned in, remember we follow the 5 day late district policy. Remember to be responsible and organized!

Check out the following videos to better help you prepare for Tuesday's Math 2nd six weeks test.

Math Assignment: Write down 5 facts you learned from each video. Make sure you watch each video from start to finish. 


Be prepared for all your six weeks tests!
Be awesome!
Do good!

Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...