Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Week of May 1-5, 2017

Mighty Falcons,

 Welcome to the 4th week of the 6th six weeks which is also the week before your Math STAAR. We have worked hard all year and if you dedicate your time to reviewing/practicing your math I assure you, you will be fully ready for your test on Monday, May 8, 2017. I advise you to go over everything on numerical representations/relationships, number operations and algebraic relationships, geometry/measurement, and data analysis/financial literacy. We will be reviewing in class but a lot of the productive math practice comes from you testing yourselves at home to see what you need the most help on. You may use Agilemind, assigned homework I will be handing out, online help, and interactive notebook notes.

Watch the following video to review for the STAAR and write 6 important strategies that you recaptured from each video.

5 Instructional days for STAAR!
Last tutorial session this Saturday!
Be here everyday so that you do not miss out.
Be yourselves.
Be amazing!
Do Good

Friday, April 21, 2017

Week of April 24-28, 2017

Image result for motivational quotes

Mighty Falcons,

Welcome to the 3rd week of the sixth six weeks! We will wrap up our final lessons this week on financial literacy and begin to regularly review for our Math STAAR. You must also be going over your math interactive notebook, notes, online material and Agilemind curriculum. This week students will use mathematical process standards to develop an economic way of thinking and problem solving useful in one's life as a knowledgeable consumer and investor. Students will compare the features and costs of a checking account 
and a debit card offered by different local financial institutions, 
distinguish between debit cards and credit cards, balance a check register that includes deposits, withdrawals, and transfers, explain why it is important to establish a positive credit history, describe the information in a credit report and how long it is retained, describe the value of credit reports to borrowers and to lenders, explain various methods to pay for college, including through savings, grants, scholarships, student loans, and work-study, compare the annual salary of several occupations requiring various levels of post- secondary education or vocational training and calculate the effects of the different annual salaries on lifetime income. Remember to ask your parents, guardians, and family members about the acquired information above, you will be surprised how many financial literacy facts you will learn and use in the near future. 

Watch the following video to review Box plots and the financial literacy videos to gain knowledge on our last lessons. Write 10 facts on each video.

Tutorials on Saturday.
Try your best to be at school every single day so that you do not miss out.
Be Responsible.
Be Honest.
Do Good.

The following pictures show students building a cookie tower by gathering data and designing their own class data box plot as per cookie tower heights. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Week of April 18-21, 2017

Mighty Falcons,

I hope you've had a great Easter break and made many special memories with friends and family. We are back at it again beginning on Tuesday, this week we will model area formulas for parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles by decomposing and rearranging parts of these shapes, write equations that represent problems related to the area of rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles and volume of right rectangular prisms where dimensions are positive rational numbers and determine solutions for problems involving the area of rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and triangles and volume of right rectangular prisms where dimensions are positive rational numbers. We are very very close to our Math STAAR date, so remember we are reviewing as we are wrapping up the last lessons, you must continue to attend tutorials and study/practice on your own as well, use your Math Interactive notebook, internet, assignments, and log in to by using your username and password to go over all math material from the entire school year.  Try your best to be at school every day so that you do not fall behind. We believe in you and know you can do anything you set your minds to, it may seem a little hectic close to testing days but I promise you everything will be fine if you take it one day at a time and be matter what.

Area Assignment: Watch and write  6 important facts of each shape on how to find the area of a triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, and rectangle. Include the formulas for each shape and compare them to your reference materials chart.

Tutorials this Saturday.
Be at school everyday.
Be Honest.
Be Respectful.
Do Good. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Week of April 10-13, 2017

Image result for dont bully quotes

Mighty Falcons,

Welcome to the last six weeks of your 6th grade school year! I have seen you all grow during the school year and I can't wait to see what's in store for you in the future. Remember to always work hard for what you want because nothing worth having comes easy. We are getting closer to our STAAR date, so it is imperative that you continue to come to school, focus, ask questions, and come to tutorials, in order to fully succeed.

This week we will begin to extend previous knowledge of triangles and their properties to include the sum of angles of a triangle, the relationship between the lengths of sides and measures of angles in a triangle, and determining when three lengths form a triangle.

Check the following video out to learn more about our math topic.

No tutorials on Saturday, April 15, 2017.
Easter break April 14-17, 2017.
Tutorials will resume on April 22, 2017.
Try your best to be at school everyday.
Be respectul!
Be Unique!

The following pictures show students learning how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers using integer chips (Algebra Tiles). 

Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...