Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week of February 27-March 3, 2017

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Mighty Falcons,


         Welcome to the 2nd week of the 5th Six Weeks! I personally think that we had a stupendous first week of this six weeks because all of you are turning in your work on time and are being proactive towards the math lessons. All it takes is time management and applying yourself to your studies so that assignments do not pile up on you and trust me you will find success.

This week we will assess all properties of operations: inverse, identity, commutative, associative, and distributive properties. We will then proceed to the idea of what it really means to have equality by engaging students in a balance scale scenario and connecting it to equivalent expressions on either side of an equal sign. Students will also begin to explore one step equations with one variable.

Remember we are having tutorials this Saturday; try your very best to be here.


Try your best not to be absent so that you do not fall behind.

Be Unique!

Be the best version of yourself everyday!

Extra Credit Due March 3: Write 20 important details on solving one-step equations from the following video. Also, write down the steps to solving one-step equations.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week of February 20-24. 2017

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Mighty Falcons,

         Welcome to the 5th Six Weeks! I can not believe how fast this school year is going, I feel that time is of the essence and we have a lot of work to do. Continue to come to my class during recess and tutorials for math enrichment purposes. 

        This week we will distinguish between expressions and equations verbally, numerically, and algebraically and  determine if two expressions are equivalent using concrete models, pictorial models, and algebraic representations.  We will also  generate equivalent expressions using the properties of operations: inverse, identity, commutative, associative, and distributive properties.

         Watch the following video and write down 16 important facts you have learned about operation properties.

Bring in $3 and permission slip for Friday's Starr County Youth Fair Visit.
Try your best to be here everyday so that you do not fall behind.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week of February 13-17, 2017

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Image result for valentines day quotes

Mighty Falcons,

       Welcome to the last week of the 4th Six Weeks. Remember you will be taking your  Math 4th Six Weeks Common Assessment on Wednesday. It is required that you review topics 6, 7, and 8 on Agilemind and go over all your notes. Your test will consist of converting measurements from both customary system and metric systems, classifying rational numbers, integers, opposites, absolute value, graphing on the coordinate plane, and independent and dependent variables. Make sure you are prepared and ask me for help if necessary. I am available during recess on non-testing days.

     Make sure to turn in all your work before the 5 day late policy so that your grade will not suffer. Attendance is of utmost importance so try your very  best not to miss out on school. Remember to go to sleep early and eat breakfast before taking your tests. Try your best on every test and continue to show us that anything is possible with hard work.

Go over the following videos to review for next weeks test.

Starr County Youth Fair Tentative visit next Friday.
University T-Shirt Day on Thursday.
Be Unique!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week of February 7-10, 2017

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Welcome to the 5th week of the 4th Six weeks. This week we will begin to work with Variables and Expressions. Tutorials will resume this Saturday. We had a great session last week, we hope to continue seeing many of you join us. Next week we will be having our Common Assessment #4, so make sure you are well prepared and practice your math on a daily basis. RMS students continue to come on Thursday afternoons. We are always here to help you, just make sure you do your part too.

Valentine Candy Grams for Sale-6th Grade, come by my room if interested.
Out of uniform on Fridays if you are here the whole week.
Try your best to be here every single day.
Be awesome!

Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...