Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ac2E---6th Grade Math Syllabus


Teacher:  Miss Isabel Lopez

Room:  8017

Cell Phone: 956-573-7011



 I am looking forward to a brand new school year with new students!  My goal is to empower my students mathematically by coaching them to be critical thinkers as well as scholars understanding our new concepts.  Also, by building self-esteem each will be enabled to be positive and productive members of society.


Course Description: 

6th Grade Math reinforces basic mathematical concepts and introduces skills that are essential for all students.  Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary that students will need in order to be successful in upper-level algebra and geometry courses are introduced and continually practiced.  Students begin with a general review of the four basic operations. They are introduced to exponents, geometric formulas, algebraic concepts, ratios, percentages, and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing signed numbers, etc.  6th Grade Math students work extensively with fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and estimating.  Problem solving strategies are also an integral part of the curriculum.

To be successful in this course, you will need to attend class on a regular basis, do all assigned homework, be prepared for class by bringing materials, ask questions, and have a good attitude.  These things will not only make you successful in this class, but also in life.


Course Goals:

•For students to demonstrate comprehension and application of the above topics with 100% proficiency.

•To fully prepare students for the STAAR exam by covering the Texas state standards (TEKS).

Grading Policy: Students are strongly encouraged to take home all graded material the day it is returned.  The material should be reviewed by the parents.

Quizzes/Classwork/Homework/Project/Journal: 75% of student grade

 Tests/Exams: 25% of student grade

Homework/Class Work Policy:

You are expected to come to class prepared to learn.  This means having homework assignments completed BEFORE class starts every day, having a pen, a pencil, paper, and a good attitude.  We all have “bad days” from time to time, but let’s all make a conscious effort to leave any discouraging words, thoughts, and attitudes at the door.

Homework must be completed in pencil, and all problems must be written down, worked out and at least attempted in the way shown in class in order to receive credit for the assignment.  YOU MUST SHOW ALL WORK ON HOMEWORK, TESTS, AND QUIZZES TO RECEIVE CREDIT!  There will not be extra time given at the beginning of class to finish homework.  Please make sure that you bring a pen to class every day (any color except black) for checking homework assignments. 

Assignments may include, but are not limited to:

            Group work


            Individual activities

            Homework problems

            Practice papers/worksheets

            Journal entries

            Warm ups

*Daily warm ups and journal entries are a crucial part of defining students’ metacognition of mathematical processes and concepts.  Warm ups will tend to be a variety of math problems or a review of previous concepts.  Journal entries will be content related, thought provoking questions.

*If you find yourself getting behind, or not understanding something, please see me for help.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions.   Our goal is to help you be successful and learn as much as you can.


Class Rules and Expectations:

 1. Responsibility-bring all necessary materials (pencil, notebook, and agenda) to class.  You will not be permitted to go to your locker to get anything you forgot. Do all assigned work, make up any missed work, use time appropriately, and be mature.

2. Respect -classmates and all teachers.  Teasing will not be tolerated.  Be fair and listen to each person’s ideas.   Also respect all school property.    This includes desks, computers, bulletin boards, and all classroom materials.

3. Raise- hand and wait to be called on.   I f a teacher is talking, you are not.

4. Use- only constructive criticism.


Behavior will be dealt by following the Discipline Plan outlined below.  There will be no tolerance of the impeding of others’ learning.

1.            Warning

2.            Parent Contact

3.            Team Meeting

4.            Detention

5.            Administrative Referral

Any offense that is disrespectful or hurts another person will result in an automatic discipline referral to the office.



Please sign below that you and your child have read and discussed the Math Syllabus for this year.  This will be checked off and returned to the student.


___________________________________         _________________________            ___________

Student Signature                                                                           Parent Signature                              Date



Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...