Friday, September 1, 2017

Week of September 4-8, 2017

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Dear Falcons,

     We survived the first week of school! I feel like all of you were ready for your first day of middle school and were not afraid to step up to the plate. There was no complaining or nagging done from any of you and I hope your positive attitudes only get better. I am glad to have met all 123 of you!!!! Remember middle school is all about responsibility and staying on top of your game so that you do not fall behind. Also, parents thank you for everything you do for your children. Please ensure that your son/daughter review their basic math concepts and go over their notes. Agilemind usernames and passwords will be issued next week and students may log in to review lessons and complete assigned questions. Also, thank you to those of you who donated items to be sent out to the Houston area! #TexasStrong #Sticktogether

This week we will be going over exponents, order of operations, multiples/factors, and prime factorization.

Please check out the following videos to get ahead of the game.

Extra Credit Opportunity
Create a poster or 3D model (Example: Hanger) that explains order of operations or prime factorization. Due Friday September 8, 2017.

Try your best to be at school every single day.
Krispy Kreme doughnut orders are due by September 22. C'mon Falcons you got this!
Homeroom University shirt orders due by September 8.
End of year field trip agreement form due by September 11, 2017.
Be Amazing.
Be a friend.
Do good!

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Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...