Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week of September 29-October 3, 2014

The last week of the 1st six weeks is here! WHOA did time sure fly by!! The month of September will end this week and hard work and perseverance must continue Mighty Falcons! I am very proud of each and everyone of you and THANKYOU parents for being very supportive. I know I have made plenty of calls about schoolwork these past two weeks and I'm glad to say you have some very gifted and talented children! Our work has rigor but I know everyone will do great with the help we both provide (parents and myself) to OUR impressive children. Thank you for the calls, walk-ins to school, and messages on DOJO. I really appreciate it, these kids are our future and we must teach them well about life and academics.

1st Six Weeks Honors Mathematics Exam will be this Tuesday and will carry forward to Wednesday if need be. I have provided a math review to all students that will help them for this exam. Students must be prepared and practice/study their notes to do well. Students must also make sure all assignments have been turned in!  Do not procrastinate because that will hurt your grade. If students are absent it is the student's obligation to ask for any missed work, attendance is important so try your best not to be absent.

The pictures below show some of our Mighty Falcons playing FRACTIONS TIC-TAC-TOE. Students enjoyed the game and developed better fraction skills. We will begin Multiplying Decimals this Thursday so be ready kids!


COLLEGE AND CAREER SUCCESS CLASSES:  We will write a college acceptance letter and I will count that as your 1st six weeks exam grade. I will continue guiding you to make the best decision for your choice of college in the near future!

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Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...