Mighty Falcons,
It is almost the end of the first semester and I know you will continue to work hard.
Remember you will be taking your math district benchmark on Monday, December 11 and Reading on Tuesday, December 12. Make sure you have gone over all your notes, activities, tests, topics 1-8 on Agilemind, etc. I know not all test material has been covered but make sure you try your very best and read carefully so that you do well.
This week we will begin working with expressions and variables, we will also be having mini-reviews on Thursday and Friday for Monday's District Benchmark.
Please watch the following video and write down 5 important facts you have learned from the video.
Progress Report Card Night at Peter Piper on December 6, from 4 to 6 pm.
Student Council Coat Drive this week. Please bring in any lightly used coats for those in need.
Student Council Toy Drive Next week.
Benchmark /Six Weeks Tests Next Week.
Attendance Counts!
Be Awesome!
Do Good!