Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Week of May 29- June 2, 2017

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Mighty Falcons,

Welcome to the last week of your 6th grade careers!!!! Every year gets harder to say goodbye because you have become someone special in our lives. We hope you have taken a piece of us with you, just like we have of you. I have had a terrific school year with you guys and I know you have a bright future ahead of you. All you need to do is apply yourselves to what you want and you will get where you want to be. Remember we will always be here for you and you can count on us for anything. Also, thank you Falcon parents for all your support, we wish you the best today and always.

Have a safe and fun summer!

Make sure you have turned in all your classwork!
Awards Assembly on Thursday @ 9:00AM.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Week of May 22-26, 2017

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Mighty Falcons,  

Welcome to the 2nd week of the last week of your 6th Grade Careers. This school year has felt like the fastest one yet, so we must ensure we make each day count. This week you will be introduced to circumference, in which you will use in your future math courses. We will also be having Field Day, Talent Show, along with other activities along the way. Make sure you are here everyday Mighty Falcons!

Watch the following video for an introduction on Circumference.

Friday, May 12, 2017

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Mighty Falcons,

    I can't wait for you STAAR results to arrive so we can see your progression in the 6th grade Math Level. You guys worked hard and I trust you will continue to do so each and everyday of your lives. Remember nothing worth having ever comes easy. There are still three more weeks of school left, meaning this is the time to prepare for the 7th grade math level and master some real-world math skills. Attendance and grades are of utmost importance so continue working hard no matter what. Remember that leaning never ends! I also want to thank parents who encouraged their son/daughter to actively prepare for STAAR all school year and who supported the tutorial program by sending their son/daughter each Saturday morning to school. I must also admit that some students want to continue the tutorial program and I admire that thirst for knowledge from them and its all thanks to you.

This week we will practice some banking skills with game boards and earn grades as per thinking math sheets. We will also begin to practice 7th grade material that will prepare you for the beginning of next school year.

End-of-year Trip to Six Flags in San Antonio.
Be Awesome!
Be here everyday!
Be Nice!
Do Good!

The following pictures show students working on Mother's Day Activities and a Coupon Booklet that moms can use whenever they like! Coupons are good for chores, hugs, small meals, or simply spending time together. :) Happy Mother's Day to all Moms out there!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Week of May 8-12, 2017

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Mighty Falcons,

       STAAR is finally here!!! I want you to know I feel you are 100% ready just make sure to apply what we've learned wisely and take it slow. Use all your time, there are no rewards for those who finish first nor the cleanest tests. I know you will do excellent Mightly Falcons! We love you and believe in all you do! You can do it! BE confident at all times!

Here is the video we watched in class that you asked me to add to my blog! Enjoy! :)

As a former band member I promise to always support the arts! Gooooo band!!! You guys had a wonderful performance! Thank you for inviting me to your spring concerts!

Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...