Thursday, November 17, 2016

Week of November 28 - December 2, 2016

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Mighty Falcons,

Hope you guys had a blessed Thanksgiving break with friends and family. This week we will continue to multiply rational numbers and be introduced to dividing rational numbers.  We are one week away from our District Benchmark #1 so make sure you are alert so that you do not miss out. Remember the holidays are around the corner, so it only means you need to work harder so that you do not get distracted. 

Remember to continue to go over your INB notes and ask for help when in need. Continue to come during recess for extra help and let me know if you need to use the internet to complete your Agilemind online assignments.

Check out the following videos to get ahead of the game.  

District Benchmark  #1 
Krispy Kreme Doughnut $ due by November 30.
Math Christmas Ornament due by November 28.
Agilemind Online Assignment Due by November 27 at 9:59pm.
Try your best to be at school everyday! Our school needs to be at first place again :)

Extra Credit:
Create a unique math game about multiplying fractions. Have a minimum of 20 questions typed and make sure it is extra neat. I will not accept any sloppy projects. 

The following pictures show our students multiplying fractions by using areas models. Students represent fractions by using a cake, frosting, and sprinkles. Students had a great time applying the math in their cakes.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 14-18, 2016

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Mighty Falcons,

Welcome to the week before our Thanksgiving Break! It feels like time is flying by and it's been great to see you grow and succeed emotionally and academically. I am very proud of you guys and I can't wait to see what's next! Remember we need to stay focused and not get too distracted with the approaching holidays. Make sure all your work has been turned in on time and always listen actively no matter what.

Students and teachers had a great week with our new Falcon principal Mr. Henry Cantu. We are anxious to continue to see our school prosper and shine as it always does!

This week we will begin multiplying fractions and mixed numbers. Remember to continue to go over your INB notes and ask help when in need. Continue to come during recess for extra help and remember to always stay alert in math class so that you do not stay behind.

Watch the following videos to get ahead of the game. Show me notes that you have taken on your math INB from these videos for 10 extra points.

Agilemind online assignment due on November 14 by 9:59 pm. 
District Benchmark #1 will be on December 5. 
$50 for Six Flags trip due by November 14. Last day to pay will be on the 18th,

Friday, November 4, 2016

Week of November 8-11, 2016

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Mighty Falcons,    
Welcome to the 3rd Six Weeks! Half of the school year is almost over and I must admit I am very proud of your hard work and dedication. There are still a few of you that need to work a little harder but we know you will get there with a lot of  guidance and positive direction.

This week will be a short one since there are no classes on Monday. We will begin to explore percent proportions and move on to multiplying rational numbers. Make sure you are present and alert so that you don't miss out. Remember to continue going over your interactive notebooks, Agilemind packets and online slides. Come for help during recess if need be, do not wait until the last minute because you will begin to feel overwhelmed.

 Extra Credit Opportunity:
Create a fraction, decimal, and percent game. You can use a game board idea or any other game you enjoy. Type your questions out with a minimum of 20 questions in a game card format and make sure everything is in order and extra neat. Include Instructions.  BE CREATIVE! BE EXTRA CREATIVE!  I don't want any  messy projects and be sure to keep the game in a compact manner. I will not accept any sloppy work!

Use the following videos to prepare for our upcoming lesson. Make sure you take notes on your Interactive Notebooks.

District Benchmark #1 is around the corner.
Complete your Agilemind assignment online by November 13.
$50 Installment payment for six flags trip due by November 14.
Picture Money due by November 10.
$10 for movie trip due by next week but only for those that do not have perfect attendance. 

Last Week of School!

Falcons, It was an honor being your math teacher, I know each of you have worked and grown mathematically! Continue to strive for success a...